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Eric W. Bennett California

Eric W. Bennett
Eric W. Bennett is on death row in the state of California. In March of 2019, the state halted executions, leaving death row in the air. As someone who has seen every crime that was committed to earn this sentence, it is truly reserved for the worst of the worst, and he or she will likely serve life in prison if the death penalty is no longer an option.


Bennett raped and robbed a woman, Pamela B. (name not released due to the nature of the charges) living next door to him and then killed another woman, Marie Powell Evans who had hired him to install flooring.

On October 13, Evans went to the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Christine and John Hougan, to bring her son-in-law a birthday present.   Evans had a dark leather purse with her.   Evans left their home at around 8:30 p.m. Around 11:00 a.m. the next morning, Christine received a phone call from Evans's boss, who told her that her mother had not shown up for work that morning, which was highly unusual.   The Hougans worked for the City of Newport Beach Police Department, Christine as a police dispatcher and John as a police officer.   Christine called someone from work and requested her mother's license plate be run to see if there had been a reported traffic accident.   Upon discovering that there was no report of an accident involving Christine's mother, the Hougans went to Evans's house.

They entered Evans's patio area and saw that the window screen was off the kitchen window.   John Hougan noticed that dust on the windowsill had been disturbed and a plant had been knocked over into the sink leading him to think someone had crawled in through the window.   Upon closer inspection, he observed a large amount of blood and a pillowcase on the kitchen floor.   He took his wife back to the car and had her wait while he retrieved his gun and returned to the house.   John entered the house through the front door, which was closed, but unlocked.   There was a bloody bare footprint on the entryway throw rug that was facing downward toward the stairs.   John then went downstairs and, when halfway down, saw Evans's semi-naked body on the floor of the bathroom.   After checking the other bedrooms to see if anyone was in the house, he phoned 911.


Eric W. Bennett K36700-2011
San Quentin State Prison
San Quentin, CA 94974

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