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Michael King Florida

Michael King
Michael King is a white man who has been on death row in the state of Florida since 12/04/09.


He was convicted of Premeditated 1st Degree Murder, committed on 01/17/08. Denise Amber Lee was murdered by Michael King in the U.S. state of Florida on January 17, 2008, after he had kidnapped and raped her earlier in the day.


You can write to this inmate at:

Michael King 132254
PO Box 23608
Tampa, FL 33623

Links of Interest

Denise Amber Lee's murderer files appeal of death sentence

Videos of Interest



  1. What a pathetic little man Micheal King is. Rape alone should dealt with by the death penalty. This lowlife slime took this beautiful woman from her family. Cowardly pathetic sorry excuse of a man. I try and see at least some good quality in people. This maggot has nothing good about him. He is the perfect example of why the penalty of death exists today. He should have been done away with long ago.

    1. I lived in this area when this happened and had been dealing with these Keystone Cops who refused to help. It's horrific this young lady had to lose her life, but it showed the world what we were all dealing with attempting to deal with actual crime. I hope it caused some serious change in this good old boys network of bull shit.

  2. He is condemned, however, he is still a human. Nothing wrong with praying for or spiritually supporting someone. Your support could move him to sincerely apologize to the family. Who wouldn't want to be a part of that process?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I wouldn't say a prayer for this sick fuck, The only thing I pray for is he is raped in jail and I hope his death penalty is extremely slow and painful. Screw him I hope he burns in hell. Only an idiot would support this pathetic excuse of a person. Human he is not fuck him.

    3. Everyone is absolutely entitled to their opinion. I respect your opinion.

    4. I wouldn't. Frankly if that was my child, and my grandkids he left motherless, his apology would be like a kick in the teeth. DO NOT sentence someone to death unless you intend to carry it out. In this case there was no doubt of his guilt. He was seen by too many people. Carry out the sentence. She begged for her life and he showed her no mercy. Not her or her children. I doubt her family want his apology. " Oh , by the way, 12 years on, I'm sorry I killed your daughter eh. And sorry I raped and murdered your wife and your mummy. Hope we can let bygones be bygones ". Yeah right. In a pig's eye.

  3. You should worry greatly about meeting your maker for leaving Two little one's without a mother.

  4. When are they going to execute tho dude already. He is beyond horrible. Should of died years ago. Living off the taxpayers some. He's doesn't act like a human being. Treat him like th monster he is

    1. Exactly, this is a no brainer iron clad case. Could have taken him out back after sentencing and got it done. Ridiculous.

    2. I know right. I just watched the Dateline episode. I wish I could go into prison and bash his skull in and turn him into a partial vegetable so he could rot for the rest of his sorry life.

  5. If I was the young lady’s husband, Michael King would have never made it to jail........

  6. I heard someone say this once: "Sometimes evil looks like people." How fitting in this case.

  7. Here are the scheduled executions for 2020, he is not on it:

    1. That's because the list you provided is for Texas and not Florida.

  8. I think hes still going through his appeals process? The Fla Supreme Court heard his case in 2017, but said their decision wasnt final until the deadline for time to appeal was over.

  9. The cops didn’t drop the ball. Port Charlotte dispatch screwed up big time. If they didn’t drop the ball there’s a much better chance she’s alive.

  10. Port Charlotte cops and dispatchers are useless. I lived there for a decade. It's sad it took the loss of one of their own to draw attention to the problem. Pathetic.

  11. I wrote a book on the above story--"Toledo Blade". This weekend, for the first time since i wrote it (2012), I decided to reread it. Sorry I did. Just that quickly I was back in the horror of the moment. It was a terrible incident. I have written other books but none was so personal as this one. Tom Goodrich, Florida

  12. This was utterly horrific. So many chances to save her and everyone failed in a huge way.

    1. No one should have to save her, that excuse to a person Should of been on the recipient of a coat hanger.

  13. This is an animal not a human being. Why is he still breathing? Appeals on death row should be topped off at 1 year max.

    1. It's a complicated process as well it should be. Better to not execute an innocent person, I mean there's no coming back from that.

  14. An animal has more empathy than Michael.

  15. Eu nunca vou entender e aceitar que demônios como esse tenha direito a comer beber e dormir

    1. I will never understand and accept that demons like that have the right to eat, drink and sleep

  16. Well it should not take 12 years to take care of these monsters everyone knows for sure he is guilty so why is he still here that's what's wrong with our justice system get her done already they have to many rights as monsters this was a no brainier he should be gone ppl need to stop pitying these monsters go to hell animal

  17. They get so manhy appeals, unless they opt to not fight a death warrant. It can take quite a few years.

  18. Put this maggot to death and stop wasting tax payers money to keep this fucker alive!

  19. This scumbag showed no mercy to this young woman. He needs to be erased from this earth..why is the mongrel still breathing?

  20. What are they waiting on! After, watching this in the ID channel. I want him dead today!

  21. One if the most horrific crimes I have ever seen. What kind feels.buating a nut is worth the life of another human being . to leave children in the house. He had so many opportunities to let het go, he had to know he was busted regardless. A sloppy crime a horrific crime. A crime truly worthy of the death penalty . it should go like this " you have been found guilty of rape and murder of this woman, you are free to go, I release you to her family."

    1. I think life in prison would have been better. Because someone would definitely make sure he meets his maker a hell of alot quicker then this death sentence.

  22. How could any one ever do such a thing?. I will never ever Understand this at all. Such a pathetic lil boy do ever think of this, let a lone do it? Knew she had young children at home, DIDNT CARE. Rape was Bad enough. But to kidnap after. then shoot and kill this Mother. Those poor Children who now have to go thru this suffer the rest of there life's. Plus her Husband to. And yet the hardest thing they still face every single day, He is still alive, breathing, eating. WHY? Such a crime as this one, PROVEN with out a DOUBT at all. He sits in prison, While they the family suffers still. How much longer till they do put this SICK-O to the grave, and sent to H-E-L-L? Did she get her Trial, Jury, Judge?. NO SHE did not. So why did he. He best be very thankful it was not my daughter, I would find a way to get to him, some how, some way. He deserves no RIGHTS, Like he gave her NONE!!! End this Families grieving, Do what should of been already completed.

  23. As someone who has always had a difficult time accepting the death penalty as an acceptable punishment...watching this family’s story on ID, listening to her beg for her life..was truly heartbreaking. I cannot even imagine what they have had to go through in the years since, losing her the way they did (and the mistakes that could have saved her). There is no part of me that feels any mercy towards this waste of a life. I hope that when he finally meets his end, however that is, that it brings her family some kind of peace. God knows they deserve it after what this monster did.

  24. I just watched the program.on Id another case of sitting on deathe row .if there is no doubt about your guilt you should receive the deathe sentence within 60 daysno appeal etc. This bull about deathe penalty bring ingumane . Well what is more inhumane about someone suffering at times for hours or days . These people on death row sit there 20 plus years at 50 plus thousands of dollars of taxpayers mo ey. Every state no excuses you get the death penalty and thete is no doubt you did it you die within 60 DAYS NO APPEAL NO DELAYS 60 DAYS YOUR DEAD


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