Hector M Morales is an inmate on death
row in the state of Pennsylvania. He was born on 10/06/82. He was
sentenced to death 1 times in York County on 03/01/11.
Seeking to silence a person expected to testify
at a drug hearing, Hector Morales kicked in the back door of a York
man's home and shot him six times as the victim's wife hid in a
third-floor bedroom, according to police.
Hector M Morales JY3039
Smart Communications/PADOC
SCI Greene
PO Box 33028
St Petersburg, FL 33733
You can email this inmate at
. You will need to set up an account to do so, there is a fee for
using this service, and you will need the ID number which is JY3039
Links of Interest
Police: Homicide suspect wanted to 'kill his witness'Videos of Interest
If you have had experience with this
inmate, we'd love to provide your experience, negative or positive.
This can be done anonymously or not.If you are related to the victim,
we would also include anything you have to offer.
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