James G. Marlow is an inmate on death
row in the state of California..
Coffman and James Marlow abducted a
woman after she left work in an insurance office and held her
captive, while Marlow sodomized her, until they obtained her banking
information, then strangled her and dumped her body in a field. Five
days later Marlow and Coffman assaulted and killed a 19-year-old
woman from the dry-cleaning shop where she worked in Orange County.
Marlow in addition was charged in the 1986 murder-for-hire killing of
a man in Kentucky.
James G. Marlow E32700
San Quentin State Prison Death Row
San Quentin, CA 94974
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inmate, we'd love to provide your experience, negative or positive.
This can be done anonymously or not.If you are related to the victim,
we would also include anything you have to offer.
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