On May 20, 2000, Appellant's stepdaughter, Chetia Hurtt, and her boyfriend, Jeffrey Johnson, returned to Hurtt's apartment from a movie to discover several voicemail messages left by Appellant, questioning where Hurtt was and when she would be home. Hurtt, 21, had known Appellant since he married her mother when Hurtt was five years old, and had lived under the same roof as Appellant, her mother (Katherine Hairston), Appellant's autistic son (Sean Hairston), and her grandmother (Goldie Hurtt), until Hurtt moved out approximately one month earlier. During Hurtt's adolescence, her relationship with Appellant deteriorated. Appellant prohibited Hurtt from socializing with males and frequently threatened that he would kill her and the rest of her family.Bothered by the phone messages that May evening, Hurtt asked Johnson to spend the night. The following morning, May 21, 2000, Appellant arrived at Hurtt's apartment with a handgun, which he was not licensed to carry. After being let into the apartment, Appellant instructed Hurtt to tell Johnson to leave. When Hurtt did not comply, Appellant threatened to kill Hurtt, Johnson, and himself, and stated that he would not go to jail. Despite Hurtt's protests that Johnson should stay-for fear of what might happen should he leave-Johnson left the apartment. Appellant pointed the gun at Hurtt's face and said, “If you're going to be F'ing anybody, it's going to be me.” N.T., 04/15/2002, at 52. Hurtt pleaded with Appellant not to hurt her, but he took her into the bedroom. Appellant removed his clothes and tried to remove Hurtt's clothes, but she resisted.
Meanwhile, Johnson stopped Sergeant William Gorman of the Pittsburgh Police Department and explained what was occurring. The police went to the apartment and announced their presence. Appellant pulled the ammunition clip out of the gun, threw it behind the door, and slid the gun underneath the bed. Hurtt escaped through the front door of the apartment. The police found a half-naked Appellant in the apartment. He claimed that he lived in the apartment with his daughter and came home to find her with Johnson. A Bryco-Arms 0.380 semi-automatic pistol was recovered from the bedroom. Appellant, yelling, “I can't go to jail,” broke away from police as they were bringing him out of the apartment building. Appellant then jumped headfirst off a small roof to the ground fifteen-to-twenty feet below. Appellant got back on his feet and again began yelling, “I can't go to jail. I'm not going to jail.” Id. at 91. As a result of these events, criminal charges were filed against Appellant
Kenneth Hairston FA9174
Smart Communications/PADOC
SCI Greene
PO Box 33028
St Petersburg, FL 33733
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