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Michael B. Singley Pennsylvania

Michael B. Singley
Michael B. Singley is an inmate on death row in the state of Pennsylvania. He was born on 04/01/76. He was sentenced to death 1 times in Franklin County on 06/04/01.


The record reveals that on November 3, 1998, Appellant Michael B. Singley purchased three rolls of duct tape, ammunition for a .44 Magnum handgun, a folding lock-blade hunting knife and camouflage hunting gloves at retail stores in or around Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.   He then drove to the neighborhood where his cousin, Travis Rohrer, lived with his wife, Christine Rohrer.   Appellant loitered in the neighborhood, waiting for Christine's arrival home from work.   At approximately 5:45 p.m. that evening, Appellant saw Christine Rohrer's Jeep in the driveway of the duplex where she and her husband resided.   Appellant parked his vehicle a block away and proceeded on foot to the Rohrer residence carrying two rolls of duct tape, the gloves, hunting knife, and the ammunition for the handgun he knew that his cousin Travis Rohrer owned.   Appellant gained entry into the Rohrer residence by feigning car trouble to Christine and asked to use the telephone to obtain assistance.   Appellant indicated to Christine that the car trouble may have been the result of a malfunctioning car battery.   Mrs. Rohrer then indicated that she could assist Appellant but first needed to change clothes.   Once Mrs. Rohrer was upstairs, Appellant went to her room and began binding Christine Rohrer's arms and mouth with the duct tape.   Appellant went downstairs to retrieve something, and on his return upstairs, Appellant broke through the door which Christine Rohrer managed to lock in his absence.   Appellant wrestled with Christine Rohrer for a time and then bound her arms to the bed frame, covered her eyes and mouth with the duct tape, leaving her nostrils exposed and bound her legs with the tape.   He unbound her legs and raped Christine Rohrer.   Appellant left the bedroom, smoked a cigarette in another room and then re-entered the bedroom where he repeatedly stabbed Christine Rohrer in the chest, neck and torso.   She died as a result of the injuries inflicted.


Michael B. Singley EP2753
Smart Communications/PADOC
SCI Greene
PO Box 33028
St Petersburg, FL 33733


You can email this inmate at ConnectNetwork . You will need to set up an account to do so, there is a fee for using this service, and you will need the ID number which is EP2753

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If you have had experience with this inmate, we'd love to provide your experience, negative or positive. This can be done anonymously or not.If you are related to the victim, we would also include anything you have to offer. 


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